Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone
a love poem for my fellow Mamas
You wake up for the nth time at night
Your body aches for more rest
It is too early to get up yet too late to snooze
Sweet morning noises come from the tiny body on your chest
So, this is it. Another day lets loose
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
Every day feels the same
No weekend, no holiday
Time is a mysterious concept
Days too long and nights too short
You count down minutes until bedtime
Yet weeks and months pass you by like a fly
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
Your body, always in the service of others, is now a stranger
Clothes don’t fit, stains prevail
And for the first time ever, you actually don’t care
How many days it has been since you last washed your hair
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
Little limbs are constantly on you
Snouts to be cleaned, mouths to be wiped, hands to be washed
Hugs to be given and songs to be sung
Your terrible voice has never been more admired
Nor your stretch marks or saggy boobs
Everything you hate about yourself is loved and desired
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
You miss feeling free
Traveling and dining out in glee
Using your brain, adult conversation
Wearing white pants and long earrings are history
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
Guilt is a constant companion
You feel guilty for working
You feel guilty for staying home
For producing too little milk or feeding candy
For screen time or losing your temper easily
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
You have never been so intimate
Yet felt so isolated
Life flows on the outside
But inside you are invisible
You want to look for support from others
But are afraid of judgement
Oh sweet Mama, you are not alone.
You are not alone, sweet Mama, my beautiful sister
I see you
I hear you
I feel you
I LOVE you.